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최은우 학생이 호주 여자 아마추어 챔피언쉽에서 우승
이프로 / 작성일 2011-05-04 06:33 / 조회수 5,610

14세의 한국인 소녀 최은우 학생이 호주 여자 아마추어 챔피언쉽에서 우승해서 화재가 되었다.
최은우 학생은 중학생의 나이로 호주 아마추어 챔피언으로 등극하며, 2011년 호주 여자 오픈 출전권을 획득 했다.
그녀는 이미 2009년 중 2의 나이로 그렉노먼 주니어 마스터즈를 우승하며 2010년에 ANZ 레이디 마스터즈를 최연소 출전자로 경험한 바 있다. 신지애, 유소연, 이보미 등의 선수들을 보며 자라난 " 지애 키드 " 의 최은우 학생은 2006년에 호주에 처음 골프 유학을 와서
Ank 골프의 이인준 프로와 진대근 프로에게 초등학생 시절부터 훈련을 받았으며, 최근에는 캐리웹과 존샌든의 코치인
호주 최고의 코치 이안 츠릭과도 함께 한다. 중학생으로써 호주 아마추어 골프계를 뒤흔들고 있는 그녀의 미래가 기대 된다.





Fourteen year old Korean Annie Choi held off Japan’s Saki Suzuki for a two stroke win at the Australian Girls’ Amateur Championship at Ulverstone Golf Club.

Choi, who was in third place overnight, overcame overnight co-leader Suzuki with her final round with a 1-over par round of 74 to finish at 3-over.

“I’m very happy with how I played,” Choi said. “The course was quite difficult and the greens were very fast so it’s great.”

The Korean said she was nervous in Thursday’s second round but managed to compose herself.

“I was two-over par on the front nine but I had three birdies on the back nine and I felt like that helped me to get back into a good position,” Choi said.

After a difficult opening round 81, Western Australia’s Jayde Panos fought back to finish in a tie for third place with Cathleen Santoso (NSW) at 6-over par for the championship.

Overnight co-leader Chantal Hodson (NSW) finished in outright fifth place and three strokes behind Panos and Santoso at 9-over par.

Claudia Lim (NSW) and Su-Hyun Oh (KOR) finished tied in sixth place at 10-over for the championship.

The action continues with the Australian Boys’ Interstate Teams Matches held at Launceston Golf Club from 18-21 April and the Australian Girls’ Interstate Teams Matches held at Ulverstone Golf Club from 18-21 April.





Fourteen year old Korean Annie Choi held off Japan’s Saki Suzuki for a two stroke win at the Australian Girls’ Amateur Championship at Ulverstone Golf Club.

Choi, who was in third place overnight, overcame overnight co-leader Suzuki with her final round with a 1-over par round of 74 to finish at 3-over.

“I’m very happy with how I played,” Choi said. “The course was quite difficult and the greens were very fast so it’s great.”

The Korean said she was nervous in Thursday’s second round but managed to compose herself.

“I was two-over par on the front nine but I had three birdies on the back nine and I felt like that helped me to get back into a good position,” Choi said.

After a difficult opening round 81, Western Australia’s Jayde Panos fought back to finish in a tie for third place with Cathleen Santoso (NSW) at 6-over par for the championship.

Overnight co-leader Chantal Hodson (NSW) finished in outright fifth place and three strokes behind Panos and Santoso at 9-over par.

Claudia Lim (NSW) and Su-Hyun Oh (KOR) finished tied in sixth place at 10-over for the championship.

The action continues with the Australian Boys’ Interstate Teams Matches held at Launceston Golf Club from 18-21 April and the Australian Girls’ Interstate Teams Matches held at Ulverstone Golf Club from 18-21 April.



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Total 31

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