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PGA Junior series 우승
정코치 / 작성일 2021-06-24 13:41 / 조회수 2,542

안녕하세요 정코치 입니다


중국에 있는 우리 앵크 선수 좋은 소식 으로 찾아 왔습니다. 중국 세미나 에서 만났던 우리 선수가 PGA Junior series 우승을 차지 했습니다!!! 36 홀 시합 동안 엄청난 열기 있었지만 끝까지 최선을 다해 우승 했습니다. 


On the PGA Junior Series Tour in Zhuhai, 12 top golfers pushed their bags in sweltering heat and completed 36 holes of competition over two days to win the School Team Championship and won by a large margin. Having won their first match, as captain and runner-up overall, the Harrow team members won accolades for demonstrating the rigour and gentlemanly behaviour of the school's motto in the PGA's high-profile competition. Our ANK student in China showed professionalism and sportsmanship winning the team match in classic style. We miss you and love hearing the great news, can' wait to have you back to prepare and learn more. 



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